Tuesday 1 July 2014

Quranic concept of human life cyclePresentation Transcript

  • Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Muhammad Mubashir Nazir www.islamic-studies.infoQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 1
  • Ordinary Concept of Human Life Cycle Maturity Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Young Age Middle Age Life Start Life End Childhood Old Age Birth DeathQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 2
  • Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Phase 1: Test Phase 2: Assessment Phase 3: Result Maturity Start of Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Day of Eternal Life Resurrection Phase 3 of ParadiseLife Start Young Age Middle Age Temporary End of World Punishment Childhood Old Age Start of Phase 2 Eternal Life of Hell Birth Death Intermediate Period Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 3
  • Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Phase 1 of Human Life n  O mankind! If you have a doubt about the Resurrection, (consider) that We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of a leech-like clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (our Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info power) to you; and We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term, then do We bring you out as babies, then (foster you) that you may reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die, and some are sent back to the feeblest old age, so that they know nothing after having known (much), and (further), you see the earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs). n  This is so, because God is the Reality: it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who has power over all things. And verily the Hour will come: there can be no doubt about it, or about (the fact) that God will raise up all who are in the graves.Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 4
  • Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Phase 2 & 3 of Human Life n  Yet there is among men such a one as disputes about God, without Knowledge, without Guidance, and without a Book of Enlightenment. (Disdainfully) bending his side, in order to lead (men) astray from the Path of God. for him there is disgrace in this life, and on the Day of Judgment We shall make him taste the Penalty of burning (Fire). (It will be said): "This is Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info because of the deeds which thy hands sent forth, for verily God is not unjust to His servants. n  There are among men some who serve God, as it were, on the boundary line: if good befalls them, they are, therewith, well content; but if a trial comes to them, they turn on their faces: they lose both this world and the Hereafter: that is loss for all to see! They call on such gods, besides God, as can neither hurt nor profit them: that is straying far indeed (from the Way)! (Perhaps) they call on one whose hurt is nearer than his profit: evil, indeed, is the patron, and evil the companion (or help)! n  Verily God will admit those who believe and work righteous deeds, to Gardens, beneath which rivers flow: for God carries out all that He plans. (Al Hajj 22:5-14)Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 5
  • The Creation Plan of God God created trillions of creatures. Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Photo Courtesy: www.floridastars.org Photo Courtesy: www.usgcrp.gov Photo Courtesy: www.scienceclarified.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 6
  • The Creation Plan of God n  He presented a challenge to the creatures. The challenge was that the God will provide the Eternal authority to select the right or Reward wrong path. Challenge of Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info n  If the acceptor will choose the Selection Right Path right path with its own will, the God will bless it with an eternal life. If the acceptor will select the wrong path with its own will, Evil Path the God will punish it. n  This authority of selecting right or wrong path was given as a Punishment test.Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 7
  • The Creation Plan of God n  The human being accepted this challenge whereas the other Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info creatures refused to accept this challenge. n  The God provided human being with the power to rule over other creatures. Photo Courtesy: www.shutterstock.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 8
  • Phase 1: The Test Life Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.infoQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 9
  • The Birthn  We (God) created you out of dust;n  then out of sperm;n  then out of a leech-like clot; Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.infon  then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you;n  and We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term;n  then do We bring you out as babies, Photo Courtesy: www.nrlc.org Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 10
  • The Maturity Age Favorable conditions Eternal Reward Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Natural Sense of Good & Bad Choose Right Path Guidance provided through Prophets Evil Path Punishment Unfavorable conditionsQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 11
  • The DeathEveryone shall have a taste of death. In Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.infothe end, you shall be brought back to Us. Death is not the end of our life. It is simply a door to the next phase of our life.Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 12
  • Phase 2: Assessment Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.infoQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 13
  • Disclaimer It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life. You can imagine that rewards & punishment of our current world is like this, how will be reward and punishment of our next life?Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 14
  • The Intermediate Period (Barzakh) n  The grave is a term used for the intermediate period after death till the Day of Judgement. Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info n  After death, an initial assessment will be made. n  Some people will be rewarded or punished immediately from this time. n  Other people will be keep slept till the Day of Judgement Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 15
  • The Intermediate Period (Barzakh) Extremely Good Examples: Prophets & their Companions, immediately rewarded on death Such pious people the angels cause to die, saying: "Peace be upon you! Enter the paradise because of the good deeds you have done.” (Nahl 16:32) Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Intermediate Examples: Pharaoh & his companions, immediately punished on death If you could only see the angels when they were taking away the souls of the dyeing unbelievers! They were smiting their faces and their backs saying: "Taste the torment of the Extremely Bad conflagration! This is the punishment for what your hands have sent forth, for God is never unjust to His servants.“ (Anfal 8:50-51)Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 16
  • End of the World The Trumpet shall be blown, and all that is in the heavens and the earth shall swoon except those whom God will please to exempt. (Zumr 39:68) Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info When the sun will cease to shine; when the stars will loose their brilliancy; (Takvir 81:1-2) Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.com Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life.Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 17
  • End of the World When the heaven will cleft asunder; when the stars will scatter; when the oceans will be torn apart; and when the graves will be laid open. (Infitar 82:1-4) Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life. Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 18
  • The Day of Resurrection On that Day We shall roll up the heavens like a scroll of writings; just as We originated the first creation, so shall We produce it again - that is Our Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info promise, and We will fulfil it. (Anbiya 21:104) Then the Trumpet will be blown for the second time and behold! They shall all stand up, looking around.. (Zumr 39:68). They will rise up from their graves and hasten to their Lord. (Yaseen 36:51) Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life.Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 19
  • The Day of Resurrection On the Day of Resurrection the whole earth shall be in His grasp and all the heavens shall be rolled up in His right hand. Glory be to Him! Exalted be He above what they associate with Him. (Zumr 39:67) Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info It will be the Day when no one shall have the power to do anything for another: for, on that Day, the God shall keep the entire command to Himself. (Infitar 82: 19) Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life. Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 20
  • The Day of Resurrection That Day which shall turn the children grey-headed, the heaven shall split asunder, and His promise shall be fulfilled. (Muzzammil 73:17-18) Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info On that Day each man shall flee from his own brother, his mother and his father, his wife and his children. For each one of them, on that Day, shall have enough concern of his own to make him indifferent to the others. Some faces on that Day shall be shining, smiling and joyful. And some faces on that Day shall be dusty and veiled with darkness. These shall be the faces of the disbelieving wicked. (Abas 80:33-42) Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life. Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 21
  • The Day of Resurrection Leader On that Day those leaders who were being followed, when faced with their punishment, will renounce those who followed them and the bonds which united them will break Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info asunder. The followers will say: "If it could be possible for us to live again, we would Follower renounce them as they have renounced us today.“ (Baqarah 2:166-167) Ultimately you all shall return to God; then He will show you the truth of those matters in which you dispute. (Maida 5:48)Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 22
  • The Assessment On the Day of Judgement We shall set up scales of justice so that no one will be dealt with unjustly in any way; even if someone has an act as small as a grain of a Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info mustard seed, We will bring it to account, and sufficient are We to settle the accounts. (Anbiya 21:47) Guard yourselves against the Day on which one soul shall not avail another - no intercession shall be accepted, no ransom shall be taken and no help shall be given. (Baqarah 2:48) Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life. Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 23
  • The Assessment The earth will be shining with the light of her Lord, the Book of record will be laid open, the Prophets and other witnesses will be brought in, and justice shall be done between people with all fairness: none shall be wronged. Every soul will be paid in full according to its deeds, for He knows fully well as to what they did. (Zumr 39:69-70) Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.infoFinally when they reach there, their ears, their eyes, and their skins will testify totheir misdeeds. And they will ask their skins: "Why did you testify against us?" Theirskins will reply: “The God Who gives the faculty of speech to everything, has made usspeak. He is the One Who created you to begin with, and now to Him you are beingbrought back. (Ha Mim Sajda 41:20-21)Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 24
  • Phase 3: Reward Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.infoQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 25
  • Groups of People after Assessment Foremost Nearest to God Then you shall be divided into three groups: Those on the right hand - how Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Those on Right Hand Blessed blessed shall be the Assessment Report will be given in people of the right right hand hand; those on the left hand - how damned shall be the people of Those on Left Hand Damned the left hand; and Assessment Report will be given in foremost shall be the left hand foremost. They will be nearest to God. (Waqiah 56:7-11)Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 26
  • Different Grades of Punishable People Extremely Pious Eternal Reward Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Those on Right Hand Will be forgiven with God’s mercy or Equal in good & bad deeds intercession of His Prophets and other pious people Criminals Will be forgiven after some punishment Transgressors Eternal PunishmentQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 27
  • Intercession He knows what is before them and what is On that Day, no intercession will behind them and they do not intercede avail except the one to whom except for the one whom He the Beneficent (God) shall approves, and for fear of Him they grant permission and would like tremble. (Anbiya 21:28) Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info to give him a hearing. (Taha 20:109) On that Day, the Spirit (Gabriel) and the angels shall stand in their ranks; none Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allah Alaihi shall speak except the one to whom the wa sallam) will be the first person who Compassionate (God) shall grant will start intercession. (Muslim) permission to speak, and he will speak Objective of intercession is to straight to the point. (Naba 78:38) demonstrate the distinctive position of pious people on the Day of Judgement.Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 28
  • The Life of Hell For sure, the hell shall lie in ambush, to become a home for the transgressors. There they shall live for ages, in it they shall taste neither refreshment nor drink, except scalding water and decaying filth: a fitting recompense for their deeds. Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info (This punishment is) for they never expected to be accountable, and wittingly rejected Our revelations. But We had recorded everything in a Book. It will be said: "Taste the fruits of your deeds! You shall have nothing but increase in punishment. “(Naba 78:21-30)Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 29
  • The Life of Hell What will make you understand, what that hell is? It is burning fire which leaves nothing and spares none. It shrivels human Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info flesh. (Muddathir 74:27-29) They shall have no food except bitter thorny fruit, which will neither provide nourishment nor satisfy hunger. (Ghashia 88:6-7) They will be given scalding water which will cut their intestines into pieces? (Muhammad 47:15) Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life. Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 30
  • The Life of Hell Indeed on that Day, they shall be debarred from the vision of their Lord. (Mutaffafin 83:15) Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info What will make you understand, what that hell is? It is burning fire which leaves nothing and spares none. It shrivels human flesh. (Muddathir 74:27-29) Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life. Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 31
  • The Life of Paradise So God will deliver them from the evil of that Day, and bestow on them freshness and joy, and reward them, for their steadfastness with gardens and garments of silk. Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info There they shall be reclining upon high couches; they shall feel neither the scorching heat nor the biting cold. The trees of paradise will spread their shade around them, and their fruits will hang in clusters within their easy reach. (Dhahar 76: 11-14) Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life. Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 32
  • The Life of Paradise They shall be served with silver dishes, goblets of crystal, and goblets made of crystal-clear silver, filled by their attendants in due Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info measure. They will also be given to drink a cup of drink mixed with Zanjabil (ginger-flavored water), from a fountain, called Salsabil. (Dhahar 76: 15-18) Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life. Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 33
  • The Life of Paradise Our current life is so beautiful, imagine how beautiful will be the life of paradise????? Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info Disclaimer: It is not possible to describe the life after death in words or pictures because we have not seen them before. Details of that phase are described in words and pictures of our current life to give some idea of that phase of our life. Photo Courtesy: www.flickr.comQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 34
  • Is Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Logical???? Ask a few questions from yourself!!! n  Do you think that some deeds are good and some others are bad? n  If yes, do you believe in justice? n  If yes, do you think that a good person should be rewarded and a bad Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info person should be punished? n  If yes, do you think that good people receive a perfect reward and bad people are punished correctly in this world? n  If no, then do you consider this world “perfect”? n  If no, then it means that our logic suggests us that there must be a perfect world, otherwise human life is simply a mess. Quran tells us that there is a life after our present life and that life will be a perfect life, where good people will be rewarded perfectly and bad people will receive a full punishment of their crimes.Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 35
  • Empirical Evidence relevant to Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Not only the logic, empirical evidence is also available to prove that another life is waiting for us. Guess the names of these places!!!! Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info If you are interested in details of this evidence, see the presentation, “ Empirical Evidence related to Life After Death”.Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 36
  • What to do now to be Successful in the Test???? n  Believe in God, His Prophets, Life after death, Angels and Holy Books n  Strengthen your commitment to ethics and Divine Law Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.info n  Strive in spreading the God’s message to others n  If you commit a mistake, do not stay over it, seek forgiveness from the God and submit yourself to him because By the time through the ages! Surely mankind is in loss, except those who believe and do good deeds; exhort one another to the truth and exhort one another to patience. (Asr 103:1-3)Quranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 37
  • www.islamic-studies.info Copyright © 2007 www.islamic-studies.infoQuranic Concept of Human Life Cycle Slide No 38

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